Full of Grace USA was established in 2011, with the primary mission of providing a way for people to enjoy historical religious imagery in their everyday lives. Founded by a Catholic family, Full of Grace USA utilizes a vast library of historic religious imagery. Many of the images are centuries old, and were used originally on Catholic prayer cards - although some of them were used in other ways for various religious and/or communication purposes.
The founder of Full of Grace USA, has often expressed her intent to spread the word of God through everyday touchpoints, such as the products offered by her company. It remains her goal today to introduce everyone, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, to the beauty and power that such imagery holds - not only in the visual craftwork displayed by the various artists, but also in the unique message that each image portrays
Full of Grace USA products include custom illustration and product design made exclusively for us. You will not find these illustrations anywhere else, they are truly unique copyrighted designs.* Our designs are not to be copied in any way without our written permission.
Full of Grace USA is located in Colorful Colorado. All of our Full of Grace USA Original Products are designed, printed and packaged in the United States of America.
A Special Thanks to:
- The Rt. Rev. Austin G. Murphy, O.S.B. and Rev. James Flint, O.S.B. of the Bohemian Benedictine Press of St Procopius Abbey, for their help in securing approval to work with the "For God, For Country, Prince of Peace" holy card.
- Victoria and her late husband Alan with Holy Card Heaven. Their beautiful collection of holy cards coincides with the church calendar.
- The Canadian Provincial Council of the Society of the Sacred Heart, in Canada for their help in securing approval to work with the art of Mother Nealis.
- For more information on Mother Margaret Mary Nealis, please refer to the Master of Arts History Thesis written by Apollonia Elizabeth Schofield called, “The Soul Picture".
Full of Grace USA, the company, the website, all products and all the religious imagery contained within are dedicated to and placed under the loving protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.